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Division III of Heidegger's Being and Time: The Unanswered Question of Being


Publishing Details

Full Title:

Division III of Heidegger's Being and Time: The Unanswered Question of Being


By (Author) Lee Braver




MIT Press Ltd


MIT Press

Publication Date:

24th February 2017

UK Publication Date:

24th February 2017


United States



Professional and Scholarly


Non Fiction

Other Subjects:

Western philosophy from c 1800



Physical Properties

Physical Format:


Number of Pages:



Width 152mm, Height 229mm, Spine 16mm


Leading philosophers and scholars speculate on what Heidegger's unfinished masterpiece might have said, why Heidegger didn't publish it, and what being actually means.Heidegger's Being and Time is one of the most influential and important books in the history of philosophy, but it was left unfinished. The parts we have of it, Divisions I and II of Part One, were meant to be merely preparatory for the unwritten Division III, which was to have formed the point of the entire book when it turned to the topic of being itself. In this book, leading Heidegger scholars and philosophers influenced by Heidegger take up the unanswered questions in Heidegger's masterpiece, speculating on what Division III would have said, and why Heidegger never published it. The contributors' task-to produce a secondary literature on a nonexistent primary work-seems one out of fiction by Borges or Umberto Eco. Why did Heidegger never complete Being and Time Did he become dissatisfied with it Did he judge it too subjectivistic, not historical enough, too individualistic, too existential Was abandoning it part of Heidegger's "Kehre", his supposed turning from his early work to his later work Might Division III have offered a bridge between the two phases, if a division exists between them And what does being mean, after all The contributors, in search of lost Being and Time, consider these and other topics, shedding new light on Heidegger's thought. Contributors Alain Badiou, Lee Braver, Daniel Dahlstrom, Charles Guignon, Graham Harman, Karsten Harries, Ted Kisiel, Denis McManus, Eric S. Nelson, Richard Polt, Fran ois Raffoul, Thomas Sheehan, Iain Thomson, Kate Withy, Julian Young

Author Bio

Lee Braver is Professor of Philosophy at the University of South Florida and the author of Groundless Grounds- A Study of Wittgenstein and Heidegger (MIT Press) and A Thing of This World- A History of Continental Anti-Realism. Alain Badiou is a French philosopher. He has published a number of major philosophical works, including The Immanence of Truths, the final installment of his Being and Event trilogy, released in French in 2018. Alain Badiou is a French philosopher. He has published a number of major philosophical works, including The Immanence of Truths, the final installment of his Being and Event trilogy, released in French in 2018. Lee Braver is Professor of Philosophy at the University of South Florida and the author of Groundless Grounds- A Study of Wittgenstein and Heidegger (MIT Press) and A Thing of This World- A History of Continental Anti-Realism. Graham Harman is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy atSCI-Arcin Los Angeles.His work on themetaphysicsof objects led to the development ofobject-oriented ontology. He is a central figure in thespeculative realismtrend in contemporary philosophy. Karsten Harries is Professor of Philosophy at Yale University.

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