Understand Philosophy: Teach Yourself
By (Author) Mel Thompson
John Murray Press
Teach Yourself
28th May 2010
United Kingdom
Width 130mm, Height 199mm, Spine 21mm
Is this the right book for me
This book is the essential introduction to the history of Western thought. Covering all the key thinkers, both ancient and modern, and all the major branches of philosophy, it will give you new insights about the world we live in. Packed full of examples and clear explanations, and with key terms defined and explained, it is ideal whether you are student looking for a quick refresher or just want to explore this fascinating topic out of personal interest.
Understand Philosophy includes:
Chapter 1: The theory of knowledge
Empiricism and rationalism
Knowledge and justification: are you certain
The external world: appearance and reality
Intuitive knowledge
The proof of the pudding...
Chapter 2: The philosophy of science
A historical overview
From evidence to theory: scientific method
Experiments and objectivity
Right, wrong or what
The social sciences
What counts as science
Science and authority
Chapter 3: Language and logic
Language and certainty
Language and perception
Knowledge and language
Linguistic philosophy
Formal logic
Chapter 4: The philosophy of mind
Ancient minds: Plato and Aristotle
'I think, therefore I am'
The relationship between mind and body
The concept of mind
A 'place' for mind
Neurones and computers
Knowing me, knowing you
Cognitive science
A 'personal' postscript
Chapter 5: The philosophy of religion
Faith, reason and belief
Religious language
Religious experience
Does God exist
The origin and design of the universe: religion or science
The problem of evil
Compensation after death
Psychological and sociological explanations of religion
Some general remarks
Chapter 6: Ethics
Facts, values and choices
Freedom and determinism
Kinds of ethical language
Three bases for ethics
Absolute or relative morality
Virtue ethics
The social contract
Applied ethics
Chapter 7: Political philosophy
Only individuals
The social contract
The general will
Marx and materialism
Freedom and law
Some conclusions
Chapter 8: Continental philosophy
Chapter 9: Some other branches of philosophy
The philosophy of history
The philosophy of education
Chapter 10: The scope of philosophy today
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Mel Thompson is a freelance writer, specialising in philosophy, religion and ethics. He has written many books including six in the Teach Yourself series. He has also been an assistant examiner on the Oxford, Cambridge and RSA examination boards.