God's Promises During Times of Trouble
By (Author) Jack Countryman
Thomas Nelson Publishers
Thomas Nelson Publishers
1st November 2023
25th May 2023
United States
Non Fiction
Personal religious testimony and popular inspirational works
Self-help, personal development and practical advice
Assertiveness, motivation, self-esteem and positive mental attitude
Width 140mm, Height 190mm, Spine 16mm
Where do you turn to when you need hope, encouragement, and comfort during your most difficult times God's Word isthe best place to start.
When you are faced with grief and pain, it's often hard to find comfort and support. God's PromisesDuring Times of Trouble provides 50 topics of select biblical promises of comfort and hope during the difficulties that leave us wanting and needing healing and reassurance. Whether you're struggling with illness, loss, divorce, confusion, doubt, and more, the promises found in God's Word bring abundant encouragement, inspiration, and hope.
A volume in the popular God's Promises line of resources, this keepsake expanded edition features:
Scripture is one of the most powerful tools for finding hope and inspiration to uplift and nourish your heart and soul through life's most challenging times.
Jack Countryman is the founder of JCountryman Gift Books, a division of Thomas Nelson Publishers, and the recipient of the ECPA Jordan Lifetime Achievement Award. Over the past 30 years he has developed bestselling gift books such as God's Promises for Your Every Need, God's Promises(R) for Men, God's Promises(R) for Women, and God Listens. Countryman's books have sold more than 20 million units.