The Hard Good Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video: Showing Up When You Want to Shut Down
By (Author) Lisa Whittle
HarperChristian Resources
HarperChristian Resources
22nd December 2021
United States
Non Fiction
Personal religious testimony and popular inspirational works
Religious aspects of sexuality, gender and relationships
Gender studies: women and girls
Width 185mm, Height 230mm, Spine 13mm
Lisa Whittle will inspire you to see the hardships in your own life as opportunities to discover your purpose in God's perfect plan.
"In this world you will have trouble," Jesus says to his disciples in John's Gospel. It's not an if statement, but a when statement. Hard times come in this life, and some of us may even wonder how God's plan could work for our good...But Jesus immediately follows with these words: "But take heart! I have overcome the world."
The Hard Good Study Guide is for anyone who wants to take heart, who wants Jesus to be their present reality as much as their future hope. This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:
This six-session video Bible study (video streaming included) is focused on two kings: David and Saul. Their lives went down very different roads, and one of their greatest differences was in how they handled hardship and how they trusted God with their lives. As you take the "hard good" road, you'll learn to:
At our very core is the desire to be God's peoplefaithful, fulfilling the potential God created in us. To reach that point, sometimes we must endure hard things, things God has designed for our ultimate good, to shape us into the people he wants us to be. When we choose to accept the "hard good," in faith we discover our life's purpose.
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Lisa Whittle is the visionary implementer of various women's events and co-founder of Real Influence. Through insightful Bible teaching, with a refreshingly authentic faith, Lisa journeys with women to seek God's truth. A graduate of Liberty University, Lisa has done master's work in Marriage and Family Counselling at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The co-author of The Seven Hardest Things God Asks a Woman to Do, she has also had articles featured in other publications such as HomeLife magazine and Lisa and her husband Scott live just outside Charlotte with their three children where they laugh a lot and try to live a very real life.