Daniel, Volume 30
By (Author) Dr. John Goldingay
Edited by Nancy L. deClaisse-Walford
Edited by Peter H. Davids
Zondervan Academic
18th November 2019
3rd December 2019
Revised edition
United States
Professional and Scholarly
Non Fiction
Width 157mm, Height 236mm, Spine 48mm
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.
Overview of Commentary Organization
John Goldingay (PhD, University of Nottingham; DD, Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth) is professor of Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary, but lives in Oxford, England. His numerous books include An Introduction to the Old Testament, A Readers Guide to the Bible, Reading Jesuss Bible, and commentaries on Psalms, Isaiah, and Daniel. He has also authored Biblical Theology, the three-volume Old Testament Theology, and the seventeen-volume Old Testament for Everyone series, and has published a translation of the entire Old Testament called The First Testament: A New Translation. Nancy L. deClaiss-Walford (PhD,Baylor University) is the Carolyn WardProfessor of Old Testament and BiblicalLanguages at the McAfee School ofTheology at Mercer University in Atlanta,Georgia. She is the author of Reading fromthe Beginning: The Shaping of the HebrewPsalter, Biblical Hebrew: An IntroductoryTextbook, Introduction to the Psalms: A Songfrom Ancient Israel, and The Book of Psalms(NICOT). Peter H. Davids (PhD, University ofManchester) is visiting professor inChristianity at Houston Baptist Universityand visiting professor of Bible and appliedtheology Houston Graduate School ofTheology. He is author of numerous books,including Reading Jude with New Eyes, TheEpistle of James (NIGTC), The Epistle of 1Peter (NICNT), James (NIBC), and A Biblical Theology of James, Peter, and Jude. He coedited with Ralph P. MartinThe Dictionary of the Latter NewTestament and Its Developments.