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King, Priest, and Prophet: A Trinitarian Theology of Atonement


Publishing Details

Full Title:

King, Priest, and Prophet: A Trinitarian Theology of Atonement


By (Author) Robert J. Sherman




Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.


Continuum International Publishing Group - Trinity

Publication Date:

1st May 2004


United Kingdom





Non Fiction

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The doctrines of the atonement and the Trinity are central not only to the Christian faith but also to Christian systematic theology. Over the last decade or so, one or another theological interpretation of either of these doctrines has assumed pride of place among theologians. Before Robert Sherman, though, no theologian has ever dared to read the atonement in light of the Trinity. Most of the time atonement theories simply focus on the redeeming work of Jesus Christ, without any reference to Christ's relationship to the Father and the Spirit of the Trinity. But, as Sherman argues, Christ's atoning work is diverse and cannot be limited to one who ransoms our sins or to one who has victory over our sins (although in Sherman's view Christ's atoning work includes these tasks and more). He offers here a constructive theological proposal that connects Trinity with the rubrics of prophet, priest, and king to help explain Christ's atoning work. One can understand adequately neither Christ's multifaceted reconciliation of a complex humanity to God nor that reconciliations fundamental unity as God's gracious act apart form the Trinity. Without this framework, one will likely stress one person of the Trinity, one aspect of God's reconciling work, and/or one understanding of the human predicament to the exclusion of others and the detriment of theology, both systematic and pastoral. Sherman's constructive theological proposal suggests that we should recognize a certain correspondence and mutual support between the three persons of the Trinity, the three offices of Christ (king, prophet, priest), and the three commonly recognized models of his atoning work (Christus victor, vicarious sacrifice, moral exemplar). Sherman's book offers a well-nuanced and well-grounded constructive theology of Trinitarian atonement and is a significant addition to the Theology for the Twenty-First Century Series. Robert J. Sherman is Professor of Christian Theology at Bangor Theological Seminary in Maine. His work has appeared in such publications as the Scottish Journal of Theology, the International Journal of Systematic Theology, and The Journal of Religion.


"Writing for lay and ordained church leaders, Professor Robert Sherman of Bangor Theological Seminary sets out a proposal for integrating Trinitarian and atonement theology. After critiquing representative atonement theologies from Anselm to current feminist theologians, Sherman argues that previous treatments of the atonement have focused too narrowly on one or another aspect of atonement. Sherman then proposes that the three offices of Christ as king, priest and prophet are a helpful way to describe the multifaceted of reconciliation, while emphasizing the integrated roles of the Trinity...the author does an admirable job of working with the various Biblical metaphors used to describe the atonement and linking these metaphors to the different descriptions of the Trinity's work through Christ the king, priest and prophet. I especially appreciated the discussions of Christ as sacrifice and first fruits. Sherman's treatment also rightly highlights the need to speak about God's reconciling work in various ways, in order to address people's experience adequately. While I never thought of the atonement as anything other than the joint work of all three Trinitarian persons, Sherman does a nice job of explaining why that's so. This is a helpful; addition to any pastor's library." -- Trinity Seminary Review,Vol.27
'Sherman's book is marked by a considerable number of strengths. The highly nuanced, biblically grounded character of his proposal, as well as its deep investment in the resources of the Christian tradition, contributes significantly to the growing body of doctrinally substantial theologies that have utilized the art of ressourcement.' Thomas A. Price, St Edmund Hall, Oxford, International Journal of Systematic Theology -- Thomas A. Price, International Journal of Systematic Theology
"...Robert Sherman's volume on King, Priest, and Prophet: A Trinitarian Theology of the Atonement, we should welcome the emphasis portended in both the title and the subtitle of this work....the basic substance in this book is familiar....what is most striking and welcome about Sherman's book is the irenic and pastoral vein in which he writes, as he threads his way through citation and commentary on a mass of biblical texts, Trinity and atonement are thought through together." -Books & Culture, 2/05
"Someone who wants a map of the entire landscape would do well to start with Sherman's book." -The Christian Century (an ecumenical weekly), 3/22/05
'...Sherman provides good background to the debates about the atonement. Overall, he provides a rich survey of the diversity of the biblical material, and grounds it in a practical and pastorally applied way...I should recommend it highly as giving to the reasonably theologically literate reader a very good entre into the practical implications and insights of a thoroughly Trinitarian (and indeed roundly biblical) understanding of the work of Christ.' Volume 22, Number 4 -- Jeremy Ive * ANVIL *
"Sherman gives us real theology. Drawing on the resources of Scripture and the tradition, he illumines some of the most central and most difficult questions of Christian theology, always with an eye to their implications for the church today."--William C. Placher, Charles D. and Elizabeth S. LaFollette Distinguished Professor in the Humanities, Wabash College -- William C. Placher * Blurb from reviewer *
"This is a satisfyingly rich piece of theology... Sherman's project should be embraced as an imaginative exercise within the broad parameters of orthodoxy. For that he deserves our thanks." - Amy Plantinga Pauw, Scottish Journal of Theology -- A.P. Pauw * Scottish Journal of Theology *
"It is safe to say that no one has taken this line before, and Dr. Sherman is to be congratulated for having opened up a new dimension of theological inquiry...What we have here is a stimulating and original work which deserves to be read widely, studied, and answered by those whose primary concerns are, like Dr. Sherman's the edification and worship of the church." -Themelios 30/3 * Themelios *
'His [Sherman's] exposition is pleasing and satisfying to readand constantly is suggestive of themes for further study, preaching and teaching....I heartily recommend this book.' Peter Toon, Theology, Jan/Feb 2006 -- Peter Toon * Theology *
"With an intended audience of Christian ministers (ordained or lay, and seminary students), this book seeks to serve the church in its mission of communicating the good news of Christ's atoning work to the world....[Sherman] has written a very clear and thoughtful exposition of a classically Reformed understanding of Christ's work and the Trinity. I strongly recommend this book for seminary, college, and adult education classes."-Louis Malcom, Theology Today, January 2006 * Theology Today *

Author Bio

Robert J. Sherman is Professor of Christian Theology at Bangor Theological Seminary in Maine. His work has appeared in such publications as the Scottish Journal of Theology, the International Journal of Systematic Theology, and The Journal of Religion.

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