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Into The Tempest: Essays on the New Global Capitalism


Publishing Details

Full Title:

Into The Tempest: Essays on the New Global Capitalism


By (Author) William Robinson




Haymarket Books


Haymarket Books

Publication Date:

2nd May 2019


United States





Non Fiction

Main Subject:
Other Subjects:

Politics and government
Central / national / federal government policies
Political economy
Political ideologies and movements
Economic systems and structures



Physical Properties

Physical Format:


Number of Pages:



Width 140mm, Height 216mm


These ten essays provide a comprehensive introduction and overview of the theory of global capitalism and its application to a wide range of contemporary issues that will be accessible to activists and the general public yet also satisfying for scholars.

In this critical new work, sociologist William I. Robinson offers an engaging and accessible introduction to his theory of global capitalism. He applies this theory to a wide range of contemporary topics, among them, globalization, the trans- national capitalist class, immigrant justice, educational reform, labor and anti-racist struggles, policing, Trumpism, the resurgence of a neo-fascist right, and the rise of a global police state. Sure to spark debate, this is a timely contribution to a renewal of critical social science and Marxist theory for the new century.


"[T]his book would be particularly relevant for students and scholars struggling to make sense of real-world issues. Robinsons interest in offering a theoretical alternative is not out of purely scholarly interest, but is instead rooted in his devotion to a worldwide movement leading to a just society. Such compassion can be seen in his deliberate efforts to maintain a good balance between scholarly exploration and tight engagement with current events." Science and Society "Robinson has by now accumulated an extraordinary mix of knowledges about global capitalism. Having worked in very diverse areas of the world, he brings to it a kind of wisdom, and this enables the reader to grasp the breadth of instances of the global in todays world." Saskia Sassen, Columbia University, author ofExpulsions "Know your enemy and know yourself... is how the iconic Sun-tzu began his famous command. William Robinson offers those engaged in the struggle against global capitalism a remarkable and compelling insight and framework in order to both understand our opponents as well as better grasp the strengths and weaknesses of the oppressed and dispossessed. This is the book for which I have been waiting and I could not put it down.Bill Fletcher, Jr., former president of TransAfrica Forum; coauthor of Solidarity Divided and author of Theyre Bankrupting Us: And Twenty Other Myths About Unions "William Robinsons Into the Tempest is a timely account of global gentrification. While most scholars concentrate on the city, Professor Robinson covers its global impact that has resulted in environmental destruction, social inequalities, and displacement of billions of people around the world. This has led to forced mass migrations. As in the case of micro gentrification society is entering the final stages of inequality accelerating a global collapse of modern civilization. Few realize that the state after gentrification is a Blade Runner world - a dystopian society devoid of human emotion and a collective historical memory." Rodolfo F. Acua, Professor Emeritus, Chicana/o Studies Department, California State University Northridge "William Robinson's Into the Tempest is a collection of his essays on the emergence of a global police state and the nature of 21st century Fascism. It applies a trenchant structural analysis of the world-system with a Gramscian effort to theorize and mobilize liberatory social movements that challenge the reactionary forces emerging during the contemporary period of crisis. Robinson is the one of the best macrosociologists of his generation. His comparative and temporally deep perspective drives a synthesis of the global capitalism and world-system perspectives in a way that allows us to see through the fog of globalization." Chris Chase-Dunn, Sociology,University of California-Riverside "This book is a treasury of big-picture insight from our leading theorist of the emerging system of global capitalism. Robinsons project to understand the political economy in order to change itstands as the preeminent successor to Marxs project from an earlier epoch. For readers perplexed about our changing world and apprehensive about its future, here is your primer and call to action." Paul Raskin, author ofJourney to Earthland "Robinson's brilliant and courageous research has culminated in this pathfinding work of political reconnaissance that traces capitalism's virulent history, exposes its contradictions, locates its capacity to reorganize and digitally reconfigure itself as the fulcrum upon which the survival of the transnational ruling elite rests, and presents an alternative social logic and transgressive strategies for transcending the proliferation of injustices wrought by the existing social order. A masterpiece!" Peter McLaren, Distinguished Professor in Critical Studies, Chapman University; Chair Professor, Northeast Normal University, China "Into the Tempest challenges us to look at the big picture, to examine without blinders the dramatic changes that have re-shaped 21stcentury capitalism and led to a true crisis of human civilization. Without flinching, it goes on to present theoretical and political analyses that help inform our quest for strategic clarity as we fight for a different world." Max Elbaum, author ofRevolution in the Air: Sixties Radicals Turn to Lenin, Mao and Che Into the Tempest provides an excellent introduction to the work of one of the most innovative Marxists in the arena of international political economy. Pete Green, Marx & Philosophy Review of Books "Robinson concludes the final chapter of his book with the statement, 'Understanding the social forces and their political and cultural agents that shape global society is essential for building the systemic movement for a transition to ecosocialism.'Into the Tempestcontributes brilliantly to that project. It is a major contribution to a revolutionary praxis that aims to transcend capitalism for a life-affirming ecosocialist future." Climate and Capitalism

Author Bio

William I. Robinson is professor of sociology at the University of California-Santa Barbara. He worked for a decade prior to entering academia as an investigative journalist in Central America and has lectured widely at universities around the world on the topics of the global economy, international politics, and contemporary world affairs. Among his many award-winning books are: Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity (2014), Latin America and Global Capitalism: (2008), and A Theory of Global Capitalism (2004).

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