The Prisms Of Gramsci: The Political Formula Of The United Front: Historical Materialism Volume 103
By (Author) Marcos Del Roio
Haymarket Books
Haymarket Books
10th October 2017
United States
Non Fiction
Social and political philosophy
Social and cultural history
Width 202mm, Height 230mm
In this work, Marcos Del Roio analyses Gramsci's pre-prison political-theoretical activity in light of a radical thesis: that throughout Gramsci's life we see a total continuity between his political praxis and his philosophical reflection. That is not to ignore the changes, turns, and even fractures in the Sardinian communist's thinking across his brief but rich existence. This book's title, referring to the metaphor of a ray of light passing through a prism, expresses this counterpoint between identity and diversity.
Marcos Del Roio, PhD in Political Science at FFLCH-USP, is Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences at UNESP (campus of Marilia), where he focuses primarily on the areas of Political Theory of Socialism and Worker Policy. He has published books, book chapters, and articles in Brazil and abroad. He is the editor of the journal Novos Rumos, and director of the Astrojildo Pereira Institute.