Invasion of the Party Snatchers
By (Author) Victor Gold
Sourcebooks, Inc
Sourcebooks, Inc
1st April 2008
United States
Non Fiction
Width 1mm, Height 1mm, Spine 1mm
_xFEFF_The media sensation in hardcover, now updated and in paperback. Victor Gold wants his party back. Gold is the former press aide to Barry Goldwater and the former speechwriter and senior advisor for George H. W. Bush. He is incensed that the Neo-Cons and the Evangelical Right have betrayed the ideals of the conservative cause. Now he's fighting back. A Republican insider for 40 years, Gold is ready to tell all about the war being waged for the GOP's soul, the elder Bush's opinion of his son's presidency, the significance of the Democratic resurgence, and how Goldwater would have reacted to it all. Among Gold's explosive disclosures is the truth about Cheney's manipulation of George W., and the chilling, puppet-like role of the President amongst Neo- and Theo-Conservatives.
"While reading this entertaining, provocative book, I was reminded of the televised prize fights of my youth. If the viewer was lucky, two crowd-pleasing boxers would start punching as soon as the bell sounded and continue until the round ended: left jab, right hook, an uppercut, wham, bam, he's down, he's up. In 'Invasion of the Party Snatchers: How the Holy-Rollers and the Neo-Cons Destroyed the GOP, ' author Vic Gold comes out swinging at neoconservatives and the evangelical right he says have captured and ruined the Republican Party, and he never stops."
Victor Gold was a speechwriter for Bush Sr. and was a prominent Goldwater disciple. He is a personal friend of the Bush family and many other prominent politicians. His previous books include Looking Forward, the autobiography of George H. W. Bush, and a satirical fiction, The Body Politic, coauthored with Lynne Cheney. He is national correspondent for Washingtonian magazine.