A World Waiting to Be Born: Civility Rediscovered
By (Author) M. Scott Peck
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group
1st March 1994
United States
Width 152mm, Height 229mm, Spine 21mm
Just as The Road Less Traveledprovided hope and guidance for individuals seekinggrowth, this major new work by M. Scott Peck,M.D., offers a needed prescription for our deeplyailing society. Our illness isIncivility--morally destructive patterns ofself-absorption, callousness, manipulativeness, andmaterialism so ingrained in our routine behavior that wedo not even recognize them. There is a deepeningawareness that something is seriously wrong withour personal and organizational lives. Usingexamples from his own life, case histories, anddramatic scenarios of businesses that made a consciousdecision to bring civility to their organizations ,Dr. Peck demonstrates how change can be effectedand how we and our organizations can be restored tohealth. This wise, practical, and radical book isa blueprint for achieving personal and societalwell-being.
"A peck ofhardheaded, kindhearted advice; the author's best since[The Road Less Traveled.]--Kirkus Reviews
"An extremely important book...Dr. Peck gives uspowerful new reasons for hope and confidence in ourpersonal ability to change ourselves and theworld."--Vice President Al Gore, author of EarthIn The Balance: Ecology And The Human Spirit
M. Scott Peck, M.D., is the author of severalNew York Timesbestsellers, includingThe Road Less Traveled, which has spent more than ten years on the Times list. He and his wife, Lily, live in northern Connecticut and have been the recipients of several awards for peacemaking.