Crime in Biological, Social, and Moral Contexts
By (Author) Lee Ellis
By (author) Harry Hoffman
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Praeger Publishers Inc
17th October 1990
United States
Tertiary Education
Non Fiction
Human biology
Illustrating the diversity and richness of biosocial theory, this contributor volume introduces numerous new views on the biological and social causes of criminality and pro-antisociality. From the biosocial perspective, criminal behaviour becomes part of a behavioural continuum which may theoretically include basic moral reasoning and altruism. Contributors from diverse fields outline basic assumptions of the biosocial perspective. They examine various evolutionary, genetic, and neurochemical aspects of criminality; and push the limits of current knowledge to the outer edges of biosocial theorizing. This volume is intended to inform social scientists, particularly criminologists, of recent developments in biosocial approaches to the study of pro/antisociality and criminality. It is the intent of the editors to give readers of this book a clear picture of the biosocial approach to the study of pro/antisociality. Emphasizing the interdisciplinary nature of this field, contributors were selected from diverse academic backgrounds. The volume contains 17 chapters and is organized in four sections. The first section conceptualizes the field, identifies behavioural and demographic variables correlated with criminality, and discusses the degree to which experts currently subscribe to the biosocial perspective. Section Two examines the contribution of evolutionary and genetic factors to variations in criminality. Section Three focuses on how brain functioning relates to pro/antisociality. The final section extends the theoretical limits of existing knowledge, illustrating the potential of the approach to social science.
"This is a most timely and valuable contribution to a comprehensive analysis of crime and social control. Rarely has there been an oppurtunity to examine such issues in the context of social and political transformations and the editors have put together insightful analyses from keen observers from both within and without China. It will be an indespensable book for scholars and policy analysts who need to understand how societal changes affect the perceptions and reality of crime and social control."-Professor Jianhong Liu Department of SociologyRhode Island College
The editors, Ellis and Hoffman, deserve recognition for their courage and bravery in assembling this formidable volume on a most controversial subject. . . . Overall, this is an excellent volume that provides current information concerning various aspects of biosocial explanations of criminal behavior. The book should prove of interest to criminologists, psychologists, social scientists, and the persons involved in the psychiatric arena.-Social Forces
"The editors, Ellis and Hoffman, deserve recognition for their courage and bravery in assembling this formidable volume on a most controversial subject. . . . Overall, this is an excellent volume that provides current information concerning various aspects of biosocial explanations of criminal behavior. The book should prove of interest to criminologists, psychologists, social scientists, and the persons involved in the psychiatric arena."-Social Forces
LEE ELLIS is Professor and HARRY HOFFMAN is Assistant Professor, both in the Departments of Sociology and Criminal Justice at Minot State University, North Dakota. The senior editor recently published Theories of Rape and is currently editing a book on biosocial approaches to social stratification (Praeger, forthcoming).