My Usual Game: Adventures in Golf
By (Author) David Owen
Random House USA Inc
Random House USA Inc
1st May 1996
Non Fiction
Biography: general
Autobiography: general
Width 140mm, Height 216mm, Spine 19mm
My Usual Game chronicles DavidOwen's funny and enlightening quest to come toterms with a game that has frustrated and fascinatedhim ever since he was a child. Follow Owen as herescues his swing at golf school, spends a weekwith the inventor of the modern golf club, nearlywins a three-day Pro-Am at a tournament on the PGATour, travels with three golf-crazed friends totacky Myrtle Beach, follows Fred Couples and PaulAzinger at the Ryder Cup, and discovers what may bethe darkest secret of the golf swing- The differencebetween a slice and a draw is a certain number ofbeers. My UsualGame is a hilarious and wonderfully literatetour through the sometimes peculiar culture of thisvery popular sport. Golfers of all ages willdiscover My Usual Game for many yearsto come. It is destined to become a classic ofgolf literature.
"Owen's drollasides are as memorable as a chip-inbirdie."--People
"Mr. Owen's style might be best described as partJohn Updike and part JohnnyMiller."--Newsweek
David Owenis a staff writer forThe New Yorkerand the author of 14 books. He lives in northwest Connecticut with his wife, the writer Ann Hodgman.