Ultimate Guide to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
By (Author) Black Belt Editors
Black Belt Communications
Black Belt Communications
25th June 2009
United States
Non Fiction
Following the evolution of a revolutionary martial-arts discipline, this definitive reference covers the entire spectrum of ju-jitsu and offers all practitioners insight into how champions have employed the moves to beat the competition. Detailed picture sequences and comprehensive commentary accompany interviews with Brazilian ju-jitsu fighters, showcasing the best techniques for this seemingly unstoppable art. With a new unorthodox interpretation of traditional ju-jitsu, this step-by-step guide to the carefully cultivated art helps martial artists of all levels dominate in the ring.
Black Belt is the world's leading martial arts magazine and is dedicated to classical and modern martial arts. First published in 1961, the magazine features interviews with the world's most prestigious martial artists; in-depth coverage of the latest techniques, weapons, self-defense systems, training regimens, and industry trends; and historical pieces on the philosophies of various combat styles. They are located in Valencia, California.