By (Author) Gloria Koenig
Edited by Peter Gssel
Taschen GmbH
Taschen GmbH
3rd August 2015
Non Fiction
History of design
History of art
Architecture: residential and domestic buildings
Individual architects and architectural firms
Furniture design
Architecture: interior design
The arts: general topics
Width 210mm, Height 260mm
The creative duo Charles Eames (1907-1978) and Ray Kaiser Eames (1912-1988) transformed the visual character of America. Though best known for their furniture, the husband and wife team were also forerunners in architecture, textile design, photography, and film. The Eameses' work defined a new, multifunctional modernity, exemplary for its integration of craft and design, as well as for the use of modern materials, notably plywood and plastics. The Eames Lounge Chair Wood, designed with molded plywood technology, became a defining furniture piece of the 20th century, while the couple's contribution to the Case Study Houses project not only made inventive use of industrial materials but also developed an adaptable floor plan of multipurpose spaces which would become a hallmark of postwar modern architecture. From the couple's earliest furniture experiments to their seminal short film Powers of Ten, this book covers all the aspects of the illustrious Eames repertoire and its revolutionary impact on middle-class American living. About the series Born back in 1985, the Basic Art Series has evolved into the best-selling art book collection ever published. Each book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture series features: an introduction to the life and work of the architect the major works in chronological order information about the clients, architectural preconditions as well as construction problems and resolutions a list of all the selected works and a map indicating the locations of the best and most famous buildings approximately 120 illustrations (photographs, sketches, drafts, and plans) Le duo cratif form par Charles Eames (1907-1978) et Ray Kaiser Eames (1912-1988) a transform le caractre visuel de l'Amrique. Bien qu'ils soient surtout connus pour leur mobilier, mari et femme ont aussi t des pionniers dans les domaines de l'architecture, du design textile, de la photographie et du cinma. Le travail des Eames a dfini une modernit nouvelle, multifonctionnelle, exemplaire par la jonction qu'il a opre entre artisanat et design, ainsi que par son utilisation de matriaux modernes, en particulier le contreplaqu et les plastiques. La chaise Eames Lounge Chair Wood, faonne en contreplaqu moul et cintr, a particip dfinir le mobilier du vingtime sicle, et la contribution du couple au projet Case Study Houses s'appuie de faon inventive sur les matriaux industriels tout en proposant un plan flexible compos d'espaces polyvalents qui deviendra une marque de fabrique de l'architecture moderne d'aprs-guerre. Des premires exprimentations mobilires du couple leur court-mtrage fondateur Powers of Ten, ce livre aborde tous les aspects de l'illustre rpertoire des Eames et son impact rvolutionnaire sur la vie des classes moyennes amricaines. propos de la collection Chaque volume de la Basic Architecture Series de TASCHEN contient: en introduction, des textes qui explorent l'origine, la vie et l'uvre de l'architecte ses ralisations majeures, prsentes dans l'ordre chronologique des informations sur les commanditaires, les conditions architectoniques pralables ainsi que les problmes de construction rencontrs et les solutions qui leur ont t apportes une liste de toutes les ralisations slectionnes et une carte sur laquelle sont indiques les constructions les plus clbres de l'architecte environ 120 illustrations (photographies, esquisses, dessins et plans)
Gloria Koenig is an architectural historian and author. She has published and lectured widely on a variety of topics in contemporary architecture, and served as consultant with filmmakers on a documentary about her late husband, modernist architect Pierre Koenig. Peter Gssel runs an agency for museum and exhibition design. He has published TASCHEN monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner, and Richard Neutra, as well as several titles in the Basic Architecture series.