The Still Life: Products Telling Visual Stories in Magazines and Advertising
By (Author) Robert Klanten
Edited by Anna Sinofzik
Edited by Sven Ehmann
Die Gestalten Verlag
7th September 2015
Non Fiction
Graphic design
Width 246mm, Height 333mm, Spine 30mm
In every segment of retail, countless productscompete for our attention. Whetherfashion, cosmetics, furnishings, accessories, or gourmet food, the range of goods isoverwhelming. Designers and manufacturersare faced with the daunting challenge ofsetting their products apart to reach theirtarget audiences. The best ones captivateus by telling fascinating stories or creatingcompelling retail spaces and experiences.The Still Life compiles striking editorialphotography, innovative shop window displays, and intelligent visual merchandisingthat succeed in doing exactly that. Thefeatured work is created by imaginativestylists and photographers who arrangeproducts, objects, and materials in unusualways. Distinctive worlds of images resultthat are reminiscent of Baroque andRenaissance still life paintings in whicharrangements of flowers, fruit, musicalinstruments, and other objects were usedas powerful allegories for various aspectsof life and death.Today's creatives are developing newvisual storytelling techniques for engagingcustomers. The Still Life showcases theirentire spectrum.The book illustrates howa combination of quality handcraft andinspired flair are being used to put familiarproducts, such as gardening tools, cutlery, purses, writing implements, or jewelry, into surprising new contexts, ranging fromminimalistic understatement to opulentglamour. It includes shop windows, magazinespreads, and showrooms meticulouslystyled into works of art.The Still Life is a source of inspirationfor anyone working in product communication, editorial design, and retail who isresponsible for creating fitting platformson which to promote premium products --brand worlds in which the products cometo life for potential customers. Featuringretail spaces that offer extraordinary experiencesjust by stopping in for a visit, thebook is also a visual feast for all connoisseursof quality consumer goods.