Te Ra: The Maori Sail
By (Author) Ariana Tikao
Illustrated by Mat Tait
Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu
Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu
8th July 2023
New Zealand
Non Fiction
Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
Width 160mm, Height 210mm, Spine 11mm
Te Ra, which means the sail in te reo Maori, is the last remaining customary Maori sail in the world. Woven from harakeke more than 200 years ago, Te Ra has for many years been held in storage at the British Museum in London. Written by Ariana Tikao from the point of view of Te Ra and illustrated by Mat Tait, this book commemorates the homecoming of a treasured taonga, and celebrates our past, present and future as New Zealanders.
Ariana Tikao is an award-winning Kai Tahu author, artist, composer and Arts Foundation Laureate. Her most recent publication was the acclaimed 'Mokorua: My Story of Moko Kauae'. Mat Tait is an award-winning artist and author, whose recent books include the visually stunning 'Te Wehenga: The Separation of Ranginui and Papatuanuku' and 'The Adventures of Tupaia' (with Courtney Sina Meredith).