Dummies & Doppelgangers
By (Author) Felicity Milburn
Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu
Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu
2nd November 2024
New Zealand
Non Fiction
Human figures depicted in art
Width 210mm, Height 290mm
Dont we all feel like strangers to ourselves sometimesThe entity that meets your eyes in the mirror isnt thesame version of you that people encounter out in the world,and its different again from that deeper self that dwellssomewhere between soul and psyche. Such slippery,porous territory offers artists a rich hunting ground.
Curator and author Felicity Milburn takes a lively look atbodies in contemporary art from Aotearoa New Zealandand Australia. Full of humour, surprise and heart, Dummies& Doppelgngers explores what it means to be human.
Featuring artworks by:Louisa Afoa | Ah Xian | James Barth | Margaret Dawson | Scott Eady |Sam Harrison | Sam Jinks | Yuki Kihara | Claudia Kogachi | Sarah Lucas |Peter Madden | Daniel McKewen | Ron Mueck | Amanda Newall |Tony Oursler | Michael Parekwhai | Patricia Piccinini | Tia Ranginui |Alex Seton | Kristin Stephenson | Francis Upritchard | Ronnie van Hout
Felicity Milburn is the head curator at Christchurch Art GalleryTe Puna o Waiwhet, where she works collaboratively withartists on a wide range of projects, from temporary installationsto large-scale survey exhibitions.Dummies & Doppelgngersexplores her long-held fascination with everything art can tellus about human nature.
Felicity writes regularly about art,including recently forModernWomen: Flight of Time(Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tmaki, 2024),Cheryl Lucas: Shaped by Schist and Scoria(Christchurch ArtGallery Te Puna o Waiwhet, 2023),Louise Henderson: From Life(Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tmaki and Christchurch Art GalleryTe Puna o Waiwhet, 2019) andJacqueline Fahey: Say Something!(Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhet, 2017).