Flipping Pages
By (Author) SendPoints
SendPoints Publishing Co., Ltd
SendPoints Publishing Co., Ltd
25th October 2017
Hong Kong
Professional and Scholarly
Non Fiction
Design, Industrial and commercial arts, illustration
Width 210mm, Height 340mm
Layoutan often misunderstood aspect of design. So often, as layout designers, we hear people telling us that layout is easy, just putting text and images on a page and moving it around to make it "nice". However, the reality is that a book designer has to follow tonnes of design, typographical and composition rules. The process behind fine tuning these details is gruelling and tedious work.
We believe that a successful book layout design is not only about what designers should do but also what designers should not do. It is about the thought processes behind these decisions, solving these problems with the turn of each page as well as balancing the harmony between text and images. And these points are just what Flipping Pages strives to present.
Weiming Huang is a curator, editor, designer and communications and social media specialist. He tutored projects in the Lassale College in Singapore and worked before as graphic designer for different companies, among them Kingsmen and Relay Room.