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Showing 20593-20616 of 41035TitleAuthorAvailability
The Elm and the Expert: Mentalese and Its Semantics
By Jerry A. Fodor
The Elusive Transformation: Science, Technology, and the Evolution of International Politics
By Eugene B. Skolnikoff
The Emancipation of Labor: A History of the First International
By Henryk Katz
The Embarrassed Colonialist: A Lowy Institute Paper: Penguin Special
By Sean Dorney
The Emergence of Ethnicity: Cultural Groups and Social Conflict in Israel
By Eliezer Ben-Rafael
The Emergence of Footballing Cultures: Manchester, 18401919
By Gary James
The Emergence of Giant Enterprise, 1860-1914: American Commercial Enterprise and Extractive Industries
By David O. Whitten
The Emergence of Globalism: Visions of World Order in Britain and the United States, 19391950
By Or Rosenboim
The Emergence of Malaysia
The Emergence of Modern Universities In France, 1863-1914
By George Weisz
The Emergence of National Food: The Dynamics of Food and Nationalism
By Associate Professor Atsuko Ichijo
The Emerging Contours of the Medium: Literature and Mediality
By Richard Mller
The Emerging Field of Sociobibliography: The Collected Essays of Ilse Bry
By Lois Afflerbach
The Emerging Monoculture: Assimilation and the Model Minority
By Eric Kramer
The Emerging Republican Minorities: Racial and Ethnic Realignment in the Trump Era
By Dr. Udi Sommer
The Emerging Strategic Environment: Challenges of the Twenty-First Century
By Williamson Murray
The Emerging Worldwide Electronic University: Information Age Global Higher Education
By Parker Rossman
The Empathy Diaries
By Sherry Turkle
The Emperor is Naked: On the Inevitable Demise of the Nation-State
By Hamid Dabashi
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